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All My Past Notes

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The University of British Columbia

CPSC530L: Topics in Information Processing - Behavioral Models

Course Note This course will focus on models for predicting human strategic behavior. (very interesting!)

CPSC404: Advanced Relational Databases

Lecture Notes

Physical database design, indexing, relational query processing and optimization, transaction processing, concurrency control, crash recovery, data warehouses, data cubes, views, special topics.

Queen’s University

CISC452: Neural and Genetic Computing

Lecture Notes

Introduction to neural and genetic computing. Topics include associative memory systems, neural optimization strategies, supervised and unsupervised classification networks, genetic algorithms, genetic and evolutionary programming. Applications are examined, and the relation to biologic systems is discussed.

CISC324: Operating Systems

Lecture Notes

Final Notes

Layered operating systems for conventional shared memory computers: concurrent processes. Synchronization and communication. Concurrent algorithms. Scheduling. Deadlock. Memory management. Protection. File systems. Device management. Typical layers.

CISC223: Software Specifications

Final Notes

Introduction to techniques for specifying the behaviour of software, with applications of these techniques to design, verification and construction of software. Logic-based techniques such as loop invariants and class invariants. Automata and grammar-based techniques, with applications to scanners, parsers, user-interface dialogs and embedded systems. Computability issues in software specifications.


Lecture Notes

Principles of design, analysis and implementation of efficient algorithms. Case studies from a variety of areas illustrate divide and conquer methods, the greedy approach, branch and bound algorithms and dynamic programming.

CISC124: Intro to Computer Science II

Final Notes

Introduction to object-oriented design, architecture, and programming. Use of packages, class libraries, and interfaces. Encapsulation and representational abstraction. Inheritance. Polymorphic programming. Exception handling. Iterators. Introduction to a class design notation. Applications in various areas.

ECON212: Microeconomic Theory I

Lecture Notes

Theory of markets and prices: decision-making by individuals and firms, equilibrium conditions under various market structures, and issues of individual and social welfare. This course presumes a knowledge of calculus at the first-year university level.